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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Meet The World's Biggest Samosa


Have you ever found yourself wondering why those samosas, as delicious as they are, only come in those individual portion sizes? Ever hoped and longed for these delicious samosas to be double (or even triple) the size so that you can have double satisfaction?

Well, this is probably what this team of volunteers from the Muslim Aid in the United Kingdom felt about samosas because yesterday, Tuesday August 22nd, 2017, they set out to break the Guinness World Record for the world's largest samosa.

The record they set out to beat had been held by Bradford College in Northern England since 2012.

The Guinness World Records officials were available to ensure that it was a legitimate result. According to the judges, it needed to be triangular, contain flour, potato, onion, and peas and be deep-fried while maintaining its shape for it to be considered a successful attempt at the record. And, most importantly, it had to be fit for human consumption.

15 hours and 12 volunteers later, the monstrous deep-fried delight was created.

Worlds biggest samosa

The huge samosa was set up on an oversized wire rack, despite some cracks in the pastry, and then lowered into a custom built deep-fryer for the final result which was crisp and golden.

It was weighed after cooking and the massive delicious deep fried and filled pastry delight was divided into hundreds of portions and served by the Salvation army to the homeless of the local area.

They beat the previous record with a whopping version of the popular snack with it weighing 153.1 kilogrammes.

And we give a big thumbs-up to the volunteers for making the world's biggest samosa, which looks delicious by the way.

Check out the video below to see the huge pastry in full glory being made at an East London Mosque.

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