"One love, One heart,
Let's get together and feel all right."
Bob Marley's "One Love" is a true work of art. He saw the evil in the world, and it broke his heart.

Bob Marley joining hands of political rivals Michael Manley and Edward Seaga
Bob Marley joined hands of political rivals Michael Manley and Edward Seaga on stage, during the political war in Jamaica during his performance at the One Love Peace concert in Kingston's National Arena in 1978. Following the concert the opposing factions, having seen that their leaders were no longer hell bent on killing each other, cooled down the conflict.
Bringing this down to Nigeria, we hear of and sometimes experience conflict which, most times don't make any sense. The killing of one member of a religion sparks up the terrorism of another. Citizens supporting political parties killing each other when all the country needs is their vote. Why are you fighting? For power? And what happens when the power you are hurting yourself and others over comes into play?
When you look at the grand scale of things, it is all pointless. Violence only leads to more violence, and that mostly does more harm than good.
"Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love!);
There is one question I'd really love to ask (One Heart!):
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner,
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?"
You are free to practise your religion, and so are others. Do not let your beliefs lead you to hurting other people. It should be between you and who you worship. Instead, make your religion a way of life and let it move you to be a better person, affecting everyone around you positively.
We are in a democracy. A democracy is a system of government done by the people, for the people. It is normal citizens that are raised to power. It is normal citizens that these "powerful" people work for. And it is normal citizens that give these people the power they have. Instead of fighting, vote for the person you want to lead you. Killing or hurting another person will not guarantee that your chosen candidate will rule and rule well.
"Let's get together and feel all right.
I'm pleadin' to mankind! (One Love!)"
Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups; we all know that. And within these tribes, there are other divisions. As much as some do not like to hear or want to believe it, our unity is our diversity. You are first a Nigerian before you are Igbo. And we are all human beings. We all have blood running through our veins, and needs, and emotions. That someone is from a different part of the country does not make them any different from you. A person is who he or she is. We all need to understand that.
Let us alter the way we look at and treat each other. With love, Nigeria will stand. Let one love keep us together.
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