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Friday, August 25, 2017

Pandora’s box


I didn’t think I would ever hear from Chigozie. I know he only moved to Port Harcourt and not Mars but I just assumed that given all that had happened between us, with my unfortunate freak accident and my parents having him detained; we had both gotten closure. I mean how do you come back from weeks on crutches and detention?

That was why when he called three times in a row that Sunday evening, I was terribly confused. I knew whatever he was calling me for was serious and for some reason I knew it was going to open Pandora’s Box and turn my life upside down again. I was curious but for once I suppressed my insatiable appetite for drama and ignored the calls. Later that night, he resorted to a message and it read:
I need your help Adesewa. Please.

I sighed after I read the message. Even though it didn’t look like it, I knew I was making headway with Tunji. I mean why else would his girlfriend claim I was messing with his head? It was clearly because he had “seen the light”. Why did Chigozie decide this was the best time to emotionally blackmail me into letting him back in my life? I knew how the script would play out….we would start communicating again, then Tunji would find out and decide he was never getting back together with me. I decided I did not want to play the lead role in Chigozie’s romantic comedy or tragedy as the case maybe. However, when I woke up the next morning to a dozen more messages from him, I knew it was serious business.

I decided to call him. He picked on the first ring, almost like he had been anticipating my call. The conversation went something like this:
Chigozie: Thank you so much for calling back.
Me: What’s up Chigozie?

Chigozie: This is really awkward but if I had another way out of this I would not have called. Trust me.
I rolled my eyes.
Me: I’m listening

Chigozie: I just got a really good offer. An incredible offer actually from a multi-national.
Me: Congrats!

I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.
Chigozie: There is an issue though. I heard that part of the recruitment process is a thorough background check and after your folks had me detained over your accident which was really just an accident, I am worried it would come up and cost me this opportunity.

Me: So what do you want me to do?
Chigozie: Can you please tell them to tell the truth about what really happened so the record can be expunged?
It was totally fair and reasonable to do as he had asked. I had spoken to my father about the issue while I was still recuperating but had not followed up to confirm it was actually done.

Me: I don’t think it would come up but just to be sure I’ll confirm and get back to you.

Chigozie: Thank you ma’am. This means the world to me.With that I hung up. How in the world was I supposed to pull this off without causing more trouble for myself?

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