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Friday, August 11, 2017

Six tips to keep your kitchen clean always


The kitchen is the heart of every home and keeping it clean is necessary. A beautiful kitchen is a warm welcome to any food that comes out of it. The misconception is that a kitchen has to be big for it to be clean, however, no matter the size of your kitchen, it can be clean if you are intentional about it. I will share tips that help me keep my kitchen clean.

1. Clean as you cook: The easiest way to clean up is while cooking not after; this will reduce the time spent in the kitchen. If you wait till after cooking and possibly eating, you will be too tired to clean up, dirty plates are kept until the next day and by then they would have allowed pests/insects to find their way into your kitchen - they always do if there are food items lingering. To make it fun, set a timer before you begin and try to beat it!

2. Embrace minimalism: Since I embraced minimalism and simplified my home, things are much more organised, cleaner and there is more space. I only purchase and keep things I need and are of value. There is no space in my home to hoard items that only get used once in a few years. Minimalism is a journey and an active lifestyle that makes you question the purpose for things you purchase or hold on to. More does not equal more, sometimes, more is less. I consciously go over every item in my kitchen (and home) and I give away items I rarely use (for example, those duplicate wedding gifts that you will never use).

3. Clear countertops: Most kitchens have counter tops so busy that it is hard for the kitchen to look clean even when it is not dirty. It is so easy to dump so many things on the kitchen countertop; groceries, blender, pots, basket of onions, dishes etc. The only items on my kitchen counter tops are items I use daily i.e. kitchen towels, dishes, and mugs-I keep it simple. Keep the counter top clutter free and you will enjoy how airy your kitchen will become.

4. Organize storage: To be able to clear your countertop you need to have somewhere assigned to keep all of the stuff, so find a way to really re-organize your kitchen store (no matter how little the store is). Pinterest and YouTube are platforms that can help you find inspiration on organizing every space in your house. Set up easy ways for your foodstuff to be stored and invest in storage containers, canisters and baskets to store both perishable and non-perishable items. I like to transfer cereals from the packs to see through canisters, beans, garri rice etc. to big containers with tight lids, and I like all my canisters to be white. When all of this is organized, it gives a clean feel.

5. Weekly deep cleaning: Growing up, Saturday mornings were spent deep cleaning the entire house, the kitchen was usually my portion. All the cupboards and drawers would need to be emptied, cleaned and, re-organized to get rid of pests that can easily find their way into the kitchen. The floor will have to be scrubbed and sparkling. The cooker will be pulled apart and the entire gunk cleaned out.

6. Set rules: Setting kitchen rules will help minimize the mess and reduce the workload in the kitchen. Everyone should clear their plates after eating, and place neatly in the kitchen sink even if they will not be washing immediately. This will reduce the sight of dirty plates, pots and pans littered all over the kitchen. These rules will need to be re-enforced till it becomes a habit for the family.

These are six ways I keep my kitchen inviting. Do you have more tips?

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