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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Art Of Being Single


Hashtag couple goals? It’s everywhere! We can barely scroll through our timeliness without being reminded that “singledom” isn’t where we should be. Truth be told, being single can be just as hard as maintaining a functioning relationship, but for some reason, most people don’t equate singleness to happiness. There’s a lot of “love and happiness” vibes dominate trending films and most story lines, don’t we all love a good movie with a happy ending? Besides the occasional feeling of absolute freedom singleness offers, most people think being single is a sad and lonely place to be when in reality, it’s a necessary phase we should all experience. There’s also quite a few pros singledom has to offer!  While we will never be truly satisfied with our lives, single or taken, here are some tips to maintain a healthy, single lifestyle!

Be yourself, by yourself

Being single means you have time to be selfish. This is the perfect time to take care of yourself without caring what other people may think; you get to find out more about yourself. Your likes and dislikes become a priority and what life has to offer for you as an individual. In order words, sort yourself out! Reflect on the big picture and ask what really matters to you. Most importantly, you can learn to be independent with yourself and finances. P.S you don’t have to share! When you’re booed up, it’s easy to rely on your other half for emotional support, which can be great! But you also need to be able to take care of yourself and your emotional well-being on your own, as happiness should never be completely dependent on another person.

Work on all your other relationships

When you are in a romantic relationship, it can take up a lot of your time. All your free time and weekends are dedicated to spending time with your significant other so what happens when you’re single? Well, you have friends, family and more opportunities to mingle with new people and building a substantial career. In 2012, the University of Chicago found that single people were more likely to find jobs than married couples. This is the perfect time to bond with your girls or guys and network as much as you can.

Be at peace with your mind, body, and soul

Photo: Dream and Pursue

Singledom doesn’t mean you can’t have any sort of love life. It just means you’re not committed to anyone and you get to go on dates, which can be a lot of fun. The beauty about it is, it’s entirely up to you! Relationships come with a lot of responsibility and being single can sometimes be healthier for you. Finally single folks are more likely to be hitting the gym.  In a study done by an online health publication, Psychology Today single people and divorcee’s are more prone to work on their fitness than their married counterparts, although the divorcees tended to exercise a little less than the singles. Besides the fact that you’re letting yourself heal emotionally, you tend to pay more attention to your body as well as focusing on things that might improve yourself.

It’s all about keeping a healthy balance of relationships versus singlehood in your life span. Being single forever can’t be fulfilling because humans are naturally social beings. Although we are built for companionship, it’s quite unhealthy to bounce from one relationship to another, as we sometimes need a moment to think about ourselves without the consideration of a partner. The moment of singlehood is a much-needed time to reflect and ask, “What do I want?” But most of all, do you! Because once you’re boo-d up, it’s no longer just about you.

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