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Friday, September 8, 2017

AGF disassociates self from alleged probe of CJN, others by EFCC


Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami

Says He Stands By CJN Reform Process

The Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, has disassociated himself from anything that has to do with the alleged probe of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen, and others over alleged corruption.  

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had accused the office of the AGF of disclosing information to the public that Justice Onnoghen was under investigation alongside some former and serving government officers for alleged corruption.  

But in a statement issued yesterday, the AGF office denied the allegation, insisting that it did not at any time, leak such information to the media as wrongly alluded by the EFCC.        

Malami also averred that the position of the commission on the issue goes to show that his office could not have leaked a non-existent classified information on an equally non-existent probe or investigation.  

The statement read: “The Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice wishes to express his displeasure over the unfortunate and unbecoming innuendo by certain persons and agencies, which sought to accuse his office of leaking what was termed as classified information to the public.   

“This office, therefore, wishes to state categorically, but with absolute repudiation, that it did not at any time leak such information to the media, as wrongly alluded by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).  

“The pertinent question to ask is: Since the EFCC has publicly denied that the Chief Justice of Nigeria was under probe or investigation, is it then possible for the same EFCC to have forwarded any classified information on a non-existent probe or investigation of the CJN to the AGF?  

“It also goes to show that the office of the AGF could not have leaked a non-existent classified information on an equally non-existent probe or investigation.  

“The AGF strongly frowns at any unsavoury attempt or conspiracy to drag his office and that of the Chief Justice of Nigeria into petty squabbles in the midst of burning national issues.  

“We, therefore, use this opportunity to reaffirm our deep respect for the person and office of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, and we will never be party to any unpatriotic effort to denigrate his exalted office.   

“We wish to state unequivocally that the office of the Attorney General of the Federation will continue to collaborate with His Lordship in his efforts to reform the judiciary and galvanise the anti-graft war.  “Indeed, the present administration appreciates His Lordship for his unwavering support for its anti-corruption drive.”   

The statement added: “We wish to state further that we are neither aware of nor privy to any purported probe or ongoing investigation of the Chief Justice of Nigeria by any security or anti-graft agency.     

“The office of the Attorney General of the Federation dissociates itself from the baseless allusion or suggestion obviously made in bad faith to the effect that His Lordship is under any form of probe or investigation whatsoever.  

“In view of the above, the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, wishes to emphatically reiterate that he has profound confidence in the Chief Justice of Nigeria and wishes His Lordship the very best in the discharge or performance of his daunting duties to the nation at large.”  

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