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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Couples Who Sweat Together Stay Together


One of the keys to a happy bond between couples, besides date night or a romantic weekend away, is to sweat it out together – at least once a week.

Couples who exercise as a pair are not the only fitter and more confident in their appearance, but are more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle longer together.

If the thought of a lycra-clad his-and-hers gym session brings you out in a cold sweat, no worries, working out in fresh air is best. Make an adventure of it; a cycling trial, for example, or urban jogging. Whatever sport you choose, it's important to make time to debrief afterwards. Remember it's not just about the exercise, it's the connection or bond between a couple which benefits too.

Many of our frustrations stem from the fact our lives are dominated by mental activity; we are physically frustrated. If you get outside into nature and work out together, you release toxins and disperse this frustration, therefore create more bond.

Tennis, walking, jogging, cycling or yoga even golf can all have a positive impact on a relationship, helping couples to be closer, more affectionate and less argumentative. Only if you are a good sport and try to motivate the other person rather than prove you are best.

Getting Started – How to choose the right activity

1. Compromise
Respect each other's likes, dislikes, and fears and be open-minded about trying new things like boxing or martial arts for example, even if it means your partner might be better than you initially.

2. Be patient
It might take a while to find a sport you both enjoy, test drive a few before committing. Then, stick at it and encourage your partner whenever they are losing steam or interest.

3. Get in step
If you cannot shake off your competitive edge, stay clear of the tennis court or jogging and go for a sport that requires you to work together such as Yoga or Pilates which is non-competitive.

4. Go back to basics
If you are struggling to find a shared interest or you are unfit, do something you've already mastered - walking or cycling for example – and take it to a new level.

5. Set yourself a goal
Enter a three-mile run or plan a cycling holiday. Hire the same personal trainer that will keep you motivated and work towards helping you achieve your goal as a couple.

Studies show that couples who take out gym memberships together are more likely to stick to a fitness schedule because they motivate each other but what if your partner's fitness levels vary drastically from your own? Or you hate the idea of attending an aerobics class full of men or women with your partner. Workout at different speeds with different levels of interest, encouraging each other, supporting each other, slowing down for each other are things each couple that exercise together have to bear in mind. It doesn't matter if one person is an expert and the other is a novice.

For those who cannot find any common ground, I recommend taking up something new such as taking up a new sport that neither partner has tried before and learn together.

Free of domestic duties and constant demands from children, couples who exercise together enjoy the moment together and leave behind their daily woes and commitments.

It is a form of mutual escapism that gives both partners a feeling of achievement and contentment afterwards.

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