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Friday, September 8, 2017

Expect the unexpected


“I am very worried about you”. Onyeka said to me. I had gone to her office after she had requested to see me urgently.
“I thought something bad had happened to you. If I had known I was coming here to receive a lecture from my small mummy I would have stayed in my house”. I said rolling my eyes.

“Seriously! I was shocked when I heard you were trying to help Chigozie get out of the mess he created in the first place.” She said with a heavy dose of sarcasm in her voice.

Technically, I had helped create the mess but I knew arguing with her would come across as defending him which would then open up a different can of worms. I chose to ignore her statement.

“Is that why you wanted to see me?” I asked her. I was beginning to get irritated. I had deliberately confided in Tosin about my complicated situation and not Onyeka because I knew Tosin would more supportive and less judgmental. Apparently, the gist was too hot for Tosin to keep to herself and so she had decided to tell Onyeka.

“Actually, I have something to tell you”. She said. “Then tell me”. I prompted.“I’m pregnant”. Onyeka announced.

I couldn’t helped myself, I squealed with delight. Onyeka had been looking forward to being a mum for as long as I could remember. Just when I was getting used to my best friend being a wife, she was becoming a mother. I gave her a hug and then asked

“How far along are you”?
“About eight weeks”. She said with a wide grin on her face.
“Oh I finally get to be a godmother”! I said doing a little victory dance.
“About that…you know we had always said you and Tunji would be godparents to our first child. We discussed it yesterday and well we just feel that it would be awkward if we make you godparents and then you marry other people. So we just thought not to pressure you both by putting you on the spot”. She explained.

I couldn’t hide my disappointment. We had always talked about me being her first child’s godmother. Why did I have to give that up because Tunji had decided not to take me back? I couldn’t help but understand where she was coming from though, it was a different issue if Tunji and I were just two neutral parties but considering the history we shared there was a lot of potential for tension in the future. Especially if he married Alicia!
I had planned an unscheduled visit to Tunji’s office to discuss Chigozie’s issue and I had initially decided to accept that it might be the final nail in the coffin of our relationship, but Onyeka’s news made me even more determined to give it one last push.
If only Tunji knew what was coming his way!

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