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Friday, September 1, 2017

Here we go again


PHOTO: Pinterest

After a fierce battle with my overactive conscience, I finally decided to do the right thing and help Chigozie. My dad is an early riser and so I was convinced he would be dressed and in his study going over his schedule for the day. To my utter dismay, as I headed towards his study, I saw him descending the stairs with his driver right behind him with his luggage.

“Daddy are you traveling”? I asked in surprise.

He stopped in his tracks and beckoned on me to come join him. I obeyed.
“Sorry Princess. I didn’t want to wake you up. I have an emergency business meeting in the States and I have to leave right away”. He explained.

“’I wanted to talk to you about something. When are you back”? I asked.

“I really can’t say. Anywhere between two days to two weeks, my return depends on how bad the situation over there is. What’s bothering you? Is it very urgent?”

He asked his voice full of genuine concern.

I could tell he was in a hurry and bothered about whatever was going on with his business. It was very unfair for me to dump all of this on him but also unfair for me to cost Chigozie the opportunity of a lifetime, simply because my parents had overreacted months ago.

“I guess I can wait till you get back”. I said after making the decision to spare him the drama and allow him travel in peace.

“Young Lady! I am not buying this. Tell me what the matter is so we can resolve it and I can be on my way’’. My father said rather sternly.

I explained Chigozie’s situation to him.

He sighed.

“What are exactly do you want from me Adesewa”? He asked.

“Daddy I just want to make sure we do the right thing. All my life I have heard you talk about integrity and the importance of being fair and just. I don’t want him to look back ten years from now and think we were the ones that robbed him of the opportunity to make something out of himself. Please Daddy”. I pleaded giving him my puppy face which always worked and this time was no different.

He shook his head and then spoke.

“I don’t know why you choose not to let go of this young man. However, you know I am not a hypocrite and because I preach it I will practise it. We will see to it that the record is expunged but you would have to work with Tunji on that while I am away except it can wait till I get back”. He explained.

“Daddy”! I exclaimed. ”I don’t want to involve Tunji in this please.”

“Then you have to wait till I get back whenever that is”. He said rather impatiently. “Look Tunji knows where the statement was written and he can easily see to it that the record is set straight. I cannot be dealing with trying not to lose my investments and handling your personal requests at the same time. When you make a decision let me know”.

I knew the conversation was over and so I gave him a quick hug and watched him leave.

I knew that bringing this up with Tunji would drive him further away from me, but at the same time I could not help but do the right thing.

As I retreated back up the stairs, I spotted my mother looking at me with a smirk on her face. Obviously, she had heard the conversation and was not in support of my actions.

Here we go again!

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