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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Nnamdi Kanu and other matters



Sir: The Guardian has advised correctly. What is left unsaid is this. There’s always selective application of justice and sundry actions, attitude etc by the Buhari administration to different people and groups in the country.

It is an undeniable recurring pattern that clearly and evidently smacks of sectionalism. And it should be very disturbing to all right thinking patriots.

As odious as the Boko Haram terrorist group is, the Buhari administration has shown a familiar willingness, bordering on unrestrained enthusiasm, to meet and broker deals with them - at least, on the Chibok girls and there could be others unknown to the public. These are cold blooded terrorists that have murdered thousands of innocent people and they continue to declare daily their intention to murder more and dismember the country. And all the same government does is to reward them with further meetings and negotiations while they’re swimming in the blood of thousands of innocent souls.

Meanwhile, they want to re-arrest Kanu, who has not hurt anybody but only expressed his mind.

Equally, the Arewa’s youths that outrageously verbalised their intentions to forcibly expel the Igbo from the North - a more treasonable offence - are walking around free.

Ab initio, these are some of the fundamental issues relating to double standards that promote real and imagined fear of injustice, lack of fair-play, discrimination, oppression, marginalisation etc against various ethnic groups in the country. Obviously, they give impetus to the strident agitation for separation or secession by people like Kanu and others across the country.

If the country’s leadership, especially under Buhari, maintains this terrible and wrong-headed course, then it’d have had the dubious distinction of providing legitimate alibi for various regional groupings to aspire and agitate for independence.
A reader who identified himself/herself only as Ed sent in this reaction.

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